CAIE Results
Aug 18, 2023

As in the past, Treamis repeats 100% pass in the CAIE results for AY 2022-23.
Bharunishree Manikandan with 7/7 ‘A*’s and Praful Jha with 5/5 ‘A*’s were the toppers in IGCSE. Avnish Chate with 3 ‘A*s’ & 1 ‘A’ and Aadyanth Rao with 2 ‘A*’s & 2 ‘A’s were the toppers in A Level. Avnish has been accepted by the Saarland University, Germany and Aadyanth has secured a spot in University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne in the USA.
Hearty congratulations to all the students, mentors and parents!
