Nestled in a peaceful setting within the school grounds, yet only a stone’s throw from the school’s central facilities, the self-contained, purpose-built residence halls provide a perfect opportunity for Treamis students to experience a greater degree of independence and privacy. Our dedicated, experienced, full time residence staff provide the daily support needed to meet academic, emotional and social needs of the students and develop them as responsible individuals.
Residence halls are available to both weekly and full-time boarders. Weekly boarders stay in the residence halls from Monday through Friday and return home on weekends. Treamis encourages local students, grades 9 and above, to stay in the residence hall as weekly boarders. Full-time boarders reside on campus for full semesters and return home during winter and summer breaks.
Starting from Grade 3, students are eligible to live on campus. Boys and girls are housed in separate buildings.
The residence halls are modern, comfortable places for students to study, socialize and relax. Students celebrate various festivals from around the world which gives them a true global exposure.
Treamis is a non-religious school. Only the universal values of teamwork, respect, responsibility, ethics, etiquette, empathy and services are inculcated and practiced. However, it allows residence hall students to practice their religion within the premises.
Depending on the availability and the interest of house parents and volunteers, students may be escorted to participate in religious services held outside the campus by various communities and organizations during religious holidays and/or participate in cultural activities taking place in Bengaluru.
The list of fun and frolics is never ending here. It’s a perfect combo of fun outings, adventure camps, sports outings and educational trips. The residence hall students indulge in movie screening, fine dining,
shopping, celebrating every festival with gusto and zeal, at the same time developing social responsibility, understanding life and getting armed with life tools to lead life in a better and smarter way.
After school hours academic faculty mentors the students. With this extra support, individual care and attention provided, residence hall students tend to fare well in scholastic and non-scholastic domains.